How to create block visibility extension for Gutenberg

In this tutorial, we’re going to create a simple Gutenberg extension that lets users control any Gutenberg block visibility on their website. As simple as this may sound, It can be a very useful feature for many users.


  1. Gutenberg Block Filters: Some basic knowledge about Gutenberg block filters.
  2. React.js: Some basic knowledge about react.js.
  3. Gutenberg Blocks: Some basic knowledge about Gutenberg blocks.

The goal of this Gutenberg block visibility extension


It’s always good to understand upfront what a tutorial is going to achieve at the end of the day. Controlling block visibility based on various conditions is a very powerful feature for a user. For example, a user may want to conditionalize Gutenberg block visibility based on many conditions, here are some example conditions below.

1. Controlling block visibility based on Different Screen Sizes

Controlling block visibility on different devices, and screen sizes.

Editorskit & EditorPlus also provides a way to toggle block visibility based on screen sizes.

2. Controlling block visibility based on Post Metadata

Controlling block visibility when a particular condition is met with the post metadata.

3. Controlling block visibility based on Specific User Roles

Display block conditionally based on a particular user role like Subscriber, Customer, or Administrator.

4. Controlling block visibility based on Url Query

Display block when a certain URL query is satisfied.

In this tutorial, we’re only going to handle Gutenberg block visibility based on different screen sizes (i.e desktop, tablet, and mobile). But, you can go ahead and try creating other conditions as well, this reminds me of a quote

Programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out.

Chris Pine

Planning the User interaction

As I’ve mentioned in my previous tutorials, planning user interaction is an important part of software development, the same goes for Gutenberg extensions. In our case, the user should be able to easily modify any block visibility.

The user inserts a Gutenberg block


User modifies visibility from inspector controls


The user saves the post

Getting Started

As we’ve covered all the basic details, In order to get started, use this starter template โ€œCakeWP/gutenberg-extension-starter-templateโ€ for quickly creating Gutenberg-based plugins.

Extending attributes in existing Gutenberg blocks

We need to extend each Gutenberg block with 3 additional attributes (described below) using a block filter blocks.registerBlockType that allows us to modify/extend existing Gutenberg blocks.

// src/index.js
import { addFilter } from "@wordpress/hooks";
// src/index.js
const addAttributes = (settings) => {
	if (typeof settings.attributes !== "undefined") {
		settings.attributes = Object.assign(settings.attributes, {
			hideOnDesktop: {
				type: "boolean",
				default: false,
			hideOnTablet: {
				type: "boolean",
				default: false,
			hideOnMobile: {
				type: "boolean",
				default: false,

	return settings;


The extended attributes are basically self-explanatory, still, here’s a one-line explanation for each extended attribute:

  1. hideOnDesktop: Boolean attribute which stores block visibility status for desktop devices.
  2. hideOnTablet: Boolean attribute which stores block visibility status for tablet devices.
  3. hideOnMobile: Boolean attribute which stores block visibility status for mobile devices.

Adding block visibility controls

controls to modify block visibility

Now we need to provide users a way to modify these extended attributes. Inspector Controls (Slotfill for block settings sidebar) is a great place for adding block-related options. It’s time to use another Gutenberg block filter editor.BlockEdit which allows us to extend/supercharge a Gutenberg block in the block editor.

// src/index.js
import { createHigherOrderComponent } from "@wordpress/compose";
import { PanelBody, ToggleControl } from "@wordpress/components";
import { InspectorControls } from "@wordpress/block-editor";
// src/index.js
const withInspectorControl = createHigherOrderComponent((BlockEdit) => {
	return (props) => {
		const { attributes } = props;
		const { hideOnDesktop, hideOnTablet, hideOnMobile } = attributes;

		return (
				<BlockEdit {...props} />
						title={__("Visibility", "block-visibility")}
							label={__("Hide on desktop", "block-visibility")}
							onChange={() =>
								props.setAttributes({ hideOnDesktop: !hideOnDesktop })
							label={__("Hide on tablet", "block-visibility")}
							onChange={() =>
								props.setAttributes({ hideOnTablet: !hideOnTablet })
							label={__("Hide on mobile", "block-visibility")}
							onChange={() =>
								props.setAttributes({ hideOnMobile: !hideOnMobile })
}, "withInspectorControl");

Applying our filter.

// src/index.js

Modifying Gutenberg block visibility on the front end

Now that we’ve registered basic attributes, and also provided a way for users to modify these attributes. It’s about time to utilize these extended attributes to conditionalize the Gutenberg block visibility on the front end.

Here comes our third and last Gutenberg block filter blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps which allows us to add additional attributes to an existing Gutenberg block save wrapper.

A block validation error can occur when using this filter because the editor verifies the content stored in the post matches the content output by save() function. To avoid this validation issue, You can use the server-side implementation render_block.

Now let’s add visibility classes to the Gutenberg block based on our custom extended attributes.

// src/index.js
const addVisibilityClasses = (extraProps, blockType, attributes) => {
	const { hideOnDesktop, hideOnTablet, hideOnMobile } = attributes;

	extraProps.className = classnames(extraProps.className, {
		"hide-on-desktop": hideOnDesktop,
		"hide-on-tablet": hideOnTablet,
		"hide-on-mobile": hideOnMobile,

	return extraProps;
// src/index.js

Let’s target all blocks based on these custom classes, and add necessary visibility through CSS. We’re using custom media queries that can be adjusted as per your need.

/** src/style.scss **/
@media only screen and (min-width: 1100px) {
	.hide-on-desktop {
		display: none !important;
@media all and (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1100px) {
	.hide-on-tablet {
		display: none !important;
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
	.hide-on-mobile {
		display: none !important;

Wrapping Up

Let’s wrap up this tutorial with an example.

using block visibility extension

This is how the final result looks in the front-end

testing result in front-end

Feel free to ask anything ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’ve any sort of difficulty following this tutorial. Query comments are most welcome, feel free to comment anything that troubles you from following this tutorial.


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3 responses

  1. Harry Avatar

    Hi, are you planning to Write a tutorial that explains how to show blocks on device basis not using css and display:none (this because the hidden content is loaded by the browser the same and could slow the page / pagespeed), but a php library like MobileDetect?

    1. Munir Kamal Avatar
      Munir Kamal

      That’s a great suggestion. I’ll add it to the list of ideas. Thanks

  2. Adrian Avatar

    Hi, in frontend pass empty class (class=””), to avoid that use conditional.

    const addVisibilityClasses = (extraProps, blockType, attributes) => {

    const {
    } = attributes;

    if( hideOnDesktop || hideOnTablet || hideOnMobile ) {
    return lodash.assign(
    className: classnames( extraProps.className, {
    “hide-on-desktop”: hideOnDesktop,
    “hide-on-tablet”: hideOnTablet,
    “hide-on-mobile”: hideOnMobile,
    } )

    return extraProps;


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