- Move the block toolbar to the editor’s top header. This experiment seeks to reduce the presence of UI obscuring content.
- Alternate style for block boundaries and multi-selection. Also engages “edit” mode when using arrow keys (hides UI).
- Complete rework of arrow keys navigation between blocks—faster, clearer, and respects caret position while traversing text blocks.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to navigate regions.
- Implement multi-selection mode using just arrow with shift keys and support horizontal arrows.
- Suggest a post format for additional blocks (embeds, gallery, audio, video) and expand on the heuristics to include case of one format-block at the top plus a paragraph of text below as valid.
- Allow converting a classic block (post) into several Gutenblocks.
- Several performance improvements
- Avoid re-rendering all blocks on selection changes.
- Add memoization for multi-select selectors.
- Rework implementation of blockRef to avoid render cascade from block list.
- Use flatMap when allocating the block list for rendering.
- Reorganize logic to determine when a post can be saved to be less expensive.
- Refactor handling of revisions to avoid loading them up-front, significantly reducing load time on long posts with many revisions.
- Further memoization on selectors based on specific state keys.
- Render meta-boxes as part of the main column, not as a collapsible box.
- Improve handling of undo action stack by resetting only on setup. This makes undo a lot more usable in general.
- Changes to block inserter design positioning tabs at the top. (1.5.1)
- Remove multi-select buffer zone and throttle delay for a faster response.
- API for handling custom formats/tokens in Editable.
- Improve withApiData component to be able to serve cached data (if available) during an initial render.
- Show block toolbar in HTML mode for mobile.
- Update Shortcode block to use a textarea instead of single line input.
- Increase width of invalid block message.
- Avoid redirecting to Gutenberg when saving on classic editor. (1.5.2)
- Don’t show “edit as HTML” for the Code and Shortcode blocks.
- Refactor notices state reducer as array optimizing performance.
- Disable front-end styles for basic quote block.
- Reorganize the meta-boxes components for code clarity.
- Extract reusable PostSticky, PostFormat, PostPendingStatus, PostAuthor, PostTrash, PostExcerpt components.
- Resolve issue with having to tab twice on the toolbar due to focusReturn utility interfering with button tooltips.
- Reset min-width of Tooltip component.
- Avoid function instantiation in render of WritingFlow component.
- Add the gutenberg_can_edit_post_type filter for plugins to add or remove support for custom post types.
- Update header toolbar keyboard navigation to include undo and redo buttons.
- Don’t show the classic editor dropdown on unsupported post types.
- Drop resizable-box in favor of re-resizable to use in the image block resize handlers.
- Correct placement of link-dialog after moving toolbar to the top.
- Adjust revisions logic to link to latest entry.
- Allow editable to accept aria attributes.
- Add generic focus effect to popovers.
- Remove unused focus prop from Button component.
- Remove core namespace from demo content.
- Enable iOS smooth scrolling within scroll containers.
- Make sure link menu appears above sibling inserter.
- Improve layout paneling for short-height viewports.
- Fix problem with multi-select not working again after a group of blocks has been moved.
- Fix problem with deleting a block in HTML mode.
- Fix issue with keyboard navigation entering textareas (non contentEditable) and losing caret position.
- Fix issue where clicking on an item within autocomplete would dismiss the popover and not select anything.
- Fix visual issue with the document info popover. (1.5.2)
- Fix bug with deleting featured image on a post.
- Fix error with removing a block placeholder.
- Fix problem with FF and meta-boxes.
- Fix issue with Classic Text description showing all the time.
- Fix issue with the color picker width.
- Fix quick inserter display of custom block icons.
- Fix missing node check when blurring a paragraph block.
- Warn about misuses of z-index mappings.
- Make use of the “build stages” feature in the travis config file.
- Upgrade ESLint dependencies.
- Move test configuration files to test/unit.
- Add easy local environment setup and Cypress e2e tests.
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